"Several Miles to Ramanujam: A Study in the Application of Indian Rhymi" by M.T. Aditya Srinivasan
Several Miles to Ramanujam: A Study in the Application of Indian Rhymic Concepts for Western Musicians

Several Miles to Ramanujam: A Study in the Application of Indian Rhymic Concepts for Western Musicians


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To this day Indian classical music remains a largely unwritten form of music, where true learning can only take place by traveling to India and dedicating many years to rigorous practice of the art. There are however, many musicians from of other musical forms who seek to understand various aspects of Indian classical music to incorporate into their own music, who are unable to undergo such dedicated learning of the art. This project aims to bridge that gap.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (ZIP file), audio files (ZIP file containig 3 .wav files and 1 .mp3 file), video files (ZIP file containing 2 .mov files).

Several Miles to Ramanujam: A Study in the Application of Indian Rhymic Concepts for Western Musicians
