"“JUZIKAL” The Color of My Music" by Djudju Hartono
“JUZIKAL” The Color of My Music

“JUZIKAL” The Color of My Music


Djudju Hartono


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My CE is a musical exploration of the phenomena of colors between music and art. As painters find inspiration in music, I have similarly found inspiration in my uncle Sesin Jong’s paintings for my compositions. Although Jong’s colors are crafted by his brush and mine through notes on a piano, they both serve one fundamental purpose; to unbridled emotional expression. Jong’s landscape “Why Not?” captures an emotion like this, which I expressed in my accompanying composition “Sweet Moment”. Whilst Jong used vivid contrasting colors deeply rooted in a rich Chinese heritage, I composed a piece rich with melody and harmonic textures to transport the viewer into this realm of colors and poetic imagination. The concept of my project is to explore creative expression as an emotion, with music and color, where the participants can interact with their movements. In our daily life, expression is a way to regulate and convey emotions. There have also been significant studies that provide scientific validity for the role of music in balancing the functions of our mind.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 5 .wav files), video (.mov).

“JUZIKAL” The Color of My Music
