"From Zero to Infinity" by Nuoen Lin


Nuoen Lin


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This project is a 10-month observation of my newborn songwriting duo and how we created our first EP. I have always been passionate about songwriting. As a big fan of band music, I want to collaborate with musicians in songwriting. At Berklee, I found the perfect partner similar to me in musical intuition yet different in our professional background.

We have created an EP of 6 songs that journal our musical, personal and collective growth. Our music blends into our professional training backgrounds, musical taste and personal experience. We ended up writing an EP that includes genres of symphonic/theatrical rock, indie pop, pop rock, and soul-pop. In some particular songs, we have even fused some Chinese Opera.

For this project, we collaborated with musicians from our program, producers from MPTI, composers from SFTV, and managers at GEMB. As a case study, I will summarize the essential lessons and knowledge I have gained.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Original music, symphonic rock, Songwriting Duo, Fusion music, growth

From Zero to Infinity
