"Transcendence through Language: An analysis and interpretation of Lati" by Gustavo Hernandez
Transcendence through Language: An analysis and interpretation of Latin American poetry through original composition

Transcendence through Language: An analysis and interpretation of Latin American poetry through original composition



This project will be in the form of a recording. 5 poems will be selected from the above writers and will be put to original music. One of the reason for selecting these writers is while they have done much to push the literary mind and forces of creative writing, they are of Latin American descent and are naturally guided by the mysticism and magical realism that surround their home country. Its this magic that my music will try to capture, to recreate the same emotional and mystical characteristics found in the literary pieces and transport them into a world of melody, rhythm, harmony, texture, voices, and very specific forms.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 3 .wav files).

Transcendence through Language: An analysis and interpretation of Latin American poetry through original composition
