Ella and Me: The All-Inclusive Process of Creating a One Woman Show

Ella and Me: The All-Inclusive Process of Creating a One Woman Show


Carmen Woodruff



“Ella and Me: The All-Inclusive Process of Creating a One-Woman Show” explores Ella Fitzgerald not only as an artist but also as a person. Candid accounts from family members and those closest to her drive this experience as well as careful analysis of performances which will be incorporated into the actual preview performance of “Ella and Me: A Conversation with Music” on July 4, 2015 at Jimmy Glass Jazz Bar in Valencia, Spain. I will continue to develop and grow this project throughout my post- graduate fellowship with the Berklee Global Jazz Institute at the Berklee College of Music in Boston during the 2015 – 2016 school year. The most impactful sources of my experience include my personal Berklee Valencia expedition as well as accounts on Ella Fitzgerald’s experience on video and audio biographical Web sites. This paper explores my personal discoveries in moving towards the decision to undertake the challenge of producing and writing a one-woman show, starting with how “Ella and Me: A Conversation with Music” began and how it continues to evolve even as I submit this paper. Future goals include a national and international tour as well as workshops, recordings and partnerships with universities and institutions.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), poster (.jpg), program (ZIP file containing 2 .pdf documents).

Ella and Me: The All-Inclusive Process of Creating a One Woman Show
