"The Phenomenology of Performance" by Jackson Albert Mann
The Phenomenology of Performance

The Phenomenology of Performance


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My original aim for this paper was to try to find a more objective and technically rigorous way for talking about exactly how one interacts with the event of a musical performance. In a certain way I have accomplished this goal. I have found an objective way of understanding my own personal way of understanding what I am going through when I perform. However, as I collected more and more data from my peers through journals, interviews, and everyday conversation I realized that this was in vain. Trying to find anything objective in an experience as complicated as performing was a lost cause. Therefore, my initial goal changed drastically. However, the new goal of the paper was a far more fulfilling endeavor. Instead of trying to divide, categorize, and codify my peers experience into a single technical framework, I decided to use the language that I adopted for speaking about my own experience as a prompt for getting others to open up and talk about the way they experienced performing.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), interviews (ZIP file containing 9 .mp4 files), performance videos (ZIP file containing 6 .mp4 files), visual aids (.pdf).

The Phenomenology of Performance
