Finding the Words

Finding the Words


Janet Orsi


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My project embraces the collaborative and innovative spirit of jazz - bringing something new to existing music. The pieces I have chosen as the focal point of my culminating experience project are all instrumental jazz songs. The sheer fact that they have, up to this point, been solely instrumental makes this project a contribution to the furthering of this music, by opening the door for more musicians, namely vocalists, to perform and record these songs. Most of them were written by prominent figures in jazz and have varying degrees of notoriety in the jazz world. However, none of these songs is by any means a “standard” that is recognized by a general audience. By contributing my own lyrics and arrangements to these songs, I hope to make them accessible to more people. Rather than focusing on the academic value of this music, I am striving to make it relevant for the modern generation. Most importantly, I am looking at it through the eyes of someone who was emotionally affected by this music and has a desire to share that experience with others.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 5 .wav files), lyric sheets (ZIP file containing 5 .pdf documents), music video (.mp4), artwork (.png), liner notes (.pdf).

Finding the Words
