The Modern Musician Triangle ABE: Art, Business, Education

The Modern Musician Triangle ABE: Art, Business, Education


Judy Shin


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Download Tutorial Video (.mp4) (901.7 MB)


Over the past 20 years, I have encountered a number of educators who have influenced my musical growth. As being in Berklee Valencia was the last year of being a student before stepping into the professional music industry, I wanted to not only develop my performance skills but also acquire practical skill sets other than performing; the objective of my Culminating Experience Project is to prepare myself as a versatile pianist who shares the experience as an educator. At this point of transitioning from a student to a professional artist, financial stability is valued just as much as the aesthetics and purpose of the art (music) itself, and therefore, I, as an artist who enjoys teaching, have chosen to combine the two elements to setup a freelance-career. The vision of this project was to gain confidence in both teaching and performing, and as a result, the outcome of it entails two components: self-produced tracks that demonstrate myself as a versatile musician (pianist/composer/producer), and building a foundation for a freelance educational website, which includes video tutorials and business plans.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 4 .wav files), performance videos (ZIP file containing 2 .mp4 files), tutorial video (.mp4).

The Modern Musician Triangle ABE: Art, Business, Education
