"Stepping Stones: My Early Steps as a DIY Songwriter" by Jessica Whaley
Stepping Stones: My Early Steps as a DIY Songwriter

Stepping Stones: My Early Steps as a DIY Songwriter


Jessica Whaley


Download Paper (.pdf) (379 KB)

Download Presentation (.pdf) (9.1 MB)

Download Audio Files (.zip) (278.5 MB)

Download Chord Charts (.zip) (55 KB)

Download Additional Files (.zip) (2.3 MB)


My project is about my path, my journey, and what is to come, inspired by my past and my present. It is a collection of the promotional assets I have created in order to carry me into the next phases of my musical career beyond Berklee, as well as the songs that I have created and the process of creating them. I will start by discussing the steps I took to complete this project.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 8 .wav files), chord charts (ZIP file containing 2 .pdf documents), additional files (ZIP file containing 4 .pdf documnets).

Stepping Stones: My Early Steps as a DIY Songwriter
