"Wildfire: Creating Inescapably Visual Music" by Kelvin Killmon Milliner
Wildfire: Creating Inescapably Visual Music

Wildfire: Creating Inescapably Visual Music


Download Paper (.pdf) (725 KB)

Download Presentation (.pdf) (26.7 MB)

Download Audio Files (.zip) (273.5 MB)

Download Music Videos (.zip) (5032.4 MB)

Download Chord Charts (.zip) (370 KB)

Download Artwork (.zip) (19.9 MB)


I believe one of the greatest impediments to independent artists is their inability to create captivating new-media content to support and promote their music. The primary focus of my project will be a series of three innovative music videos of various styles to support my own original songs, which focus on artist visibility and building a unique brand identity. Each of the three songs used in this project will be written and recorded during the academic year, and will feature instrumentation consistent with the styles of Alternative Rock, Pop and Contemporary Soul.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files( ZIP file containing 4 .wav files), music videos (ZIP file containing 3 .mp4 files), chord charts (ZIP file containing 3 .pdf documents), artwork (ZIP file containing 4 .png files).

Wildfire: Creating Inescapably Visual Music
