
Yuanjun Yu


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Since China’s entry into the top 10 recorded music markets around the world in 2017, a number of high-profile cross-border collaborations have occurred amongst established artists across mainland China and the international market. This research paper aims to explore and understand recorded music collaborations between Chinese and international artists from 2017 onward using a mixed approach of content analyses, interviews, and case studies. While many recent collaborations have been done to promote international artists in China, certain players in the cross-cultural space are pushing towards more balanced collaborations that will also bring Chinese artists international recognition. Ultimately, collaborations between artists from within and outside of China serve to expand the collaborators’ fan bases in new territories and acts as a medium for cultural exchange.

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Valencia (Spain) Campus


China music industry; cross-border music collaborations; transnational recording collaborations

The state of cross-border music collaborations between Chinese and international artists
