



Throughout my year as a Music Business student at Berklee, I came to reflect on my own personal journey as a musician from Lebanon. I started playing classical piano at a music conservatory at a young age. After a few years, I did not have time to continue on, due to academic studies, so I decided to quit. This was the case for many of my friends. Having my education taken at a private American school in Beirut, Lebanon, I was fortunate enough to participate in a mandatory music course throughout my fifteen years as a student. After researching music education in the Middle East and North Africa, I concluded that this is the case for numerous private schools in Arab countries but not for public schools. This is a shame because there is talent in the region, but no music education access to it. Firqa is a digital platform - and an aggregator - that provides content for music education in the Middle East and North Africa. With technologies such as Virtual and Augmented Realities, courses related to music offer a fun and interactive way of learning to students and to anyone interested in learning about it. Firqa partners with music industry professionals and platforms who excel in providing content related to music. Firqa then aggregates music education related content on its platform and gives back a percentage of its shares to its partners. Firqa is distributed for free public schools in Arab countries in the Middle East and North Africa first. It is also available for use to individuals who are willing to subscribe to it in order to participate and gain access to the courses.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


music education; Middle East and North Africa; music courses; music industry professionals


Project Components: one outcome paper, one reflection paper.

