Creating and Structuring a Sync department

Creating and Structuring a Sync department



The Culminating Experience for my Master of Arts in Global Entertainment and Music Business was an operational project to expand our activities and range of Licensing and Synchronization services within Disrupción Records, and this was my main mission as Sync Department Manager within the label. During my term, my strategic goal was to create a viable structure that would ensure continuity between generations: Disrupción Records Sync Services. The objective was to provide the minimum viable tools and methods to build from, as well as a diverse catalogue to enrich year after year. My most valuable deliverables can be summarized with the following: two featured initiatives, four contracts templates, two platforms as main resources and a complete roster including: artists, songwriters and composers. This was the start of my journey in the Sync world and it has been a revelation for me as it allowed me to discover a career path that I desire to pursue further. In regard to the future of this department, I am very optimist with our representation model and our structure. It will only evolve and grow with the partnerships we bring along, as my work this year showcased.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Operational project; Synchronization; Music Licensing; practice- based research


Project Components: one outcome paper, one reflection paper.

Creating and Structuring a Sync department
