Main Contemporary Challenges  Faced by the Live Music Industry: A Survey with Professionals from Brazil

Main Contemporary Challenges Faced by the Live Music Industry: A Survey with Professionals from Brazil


Clara Rescala



This paper provides insights about the results of a survey conducted with professionals working with live music in Brazil. After conducting a bibliography review focused on identifying the main contemporary challenges faced by the live music industry and the tools being used to address them, the survey was designed in order to check the level of knowledge and practical use of those tools made by Brazilian professionals. Chapter 2 provides an overview of the current state of the music business including the most recent number for the recorded and live industry. Chapter 3 goes into detail about the main challenges identified in the bibliography research and point out the most innovative tools being used or develop to address them. After explaining the methodology principles for this research on Chapter 4, Chapter 5 covers in a very pragmatic manner the results of the survey. A discussion about the results is done on Chapter 6, followed by the conclusion with propositions for future steps.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Research project; Brazilian live music; Survey; Data Analytics


Project Components: one reflection paper.

Main Contemporary Challenges  Faced by the Live Music Industry: A Survey with Professionals from Brazil
