CD Baby/Berklee DIY Musician Conference EU
This conference was a chance for Berklee and CD Baby to work in collaboration to bring the pre-existing American DIY Musician conference to Europe. The primary focuses were, helping independent musicians gain knowledge on being successful and how to monetize their work, giving Berklee GEMB students the opportunity to gain work experience, and strengthening the CD Baby and Berklee brands in Europe. The conference spanned over 3 days, consisted of 2 live music events, 25 speakers, and 26 topics. The outcome was; 252 individuals purchased tickets, arriving from 31 different countries, with a gender break down of 161 males to 91 females (data taken from Eventbrite). Conference topics consisted of; Building Your Online Brand, How A Song Makes You Money, Authentic Artist Branding, Management, and many more valuable topics. The conference took place at the Aula Magistral, directly across from Berklee’s campus and many spaces on the Berklee Valencia Campus including the recording studios, classrooms, and practice rooms. The main aspect which truly made this project DIY was that it was spearheaded by a team of students consisting of myself acting as the operations manager, David Pozeulo acting as the artist manager and Kim Ortiz acting as the creative manager, all lead by our project manager GEMB Fellow Shana Swayne. In the following pages, I will reflect on how this project aligned with my original expectations, lessons learned, contribution to my professional career and how the project can carry on with success.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Recommended Citation
Parry, Anna. “CD Baby/Berklee DIY Musician Conference EU.” Master's Project, Berklee College of Music, 2018. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-global-entertainment-business/221

Project Components: one outcome paper, one reflection paper.