“Port Royal Festival”: Business Plan

“Port Royal Festival”: Business Plan


Michail Moatsos


Download Outcome Paper (.pdf) (6.7 MB)

Download Reflection Paper (.pdf) (261 KB)


As my Cumulating Experience project I would propose to work on the generation of a business plan for a boutique heavy metal festival in Athens area in Greece. I would like to establish a festival that targets both local and foreign fans of heavy metal music, that combines the touristic attractions of Greece, like beautiful seaside landscapes and a high-quality curated festival billing with a variety of bands from local and upcoming to major and established bands that have never played in Greece before. The long-term goal is to create a community of fans that are gathering at least once a year in the festival and integrate this community in the general society. Our theme and philosophy is to be known and respected for our passion of heavy metal music and provision of a great festival experience, through hospitality, communication and affordable prices.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Project Components: one outcome paper, one reflection paper.

“Port Royal Festival”: Business Plan
