Warner Chappel Spain
This project consisted on a consulting project for the publisher Warner Chappell Spain. To complete their question, “How to better market our music to brand”, I needed to conduct a research that consisted in both, secondary information research and primary information research. Whereas the secondary information research consisted on articles and books about music advertising, the impact in music in advertising and even how psychological theories like neuroscience impacted in music advertising, the primary information research was, in the end, what brought most value to the project. It consisted in firstly, analyzing the music of successful Spanish advertisements of all time, trying to find similarities between them and seeing whether the music was key for them or not. Later on, I conducted a series of interviews with different profiles of industry specialists, not only music industry experts but, in fact, I also reached marketing specialists of IT companies and consumer goods companies. This led to interesting answers where sometimes all the interviewees clearly agreed on, and where sometimes, the variety of answers led to an interesting approach depending on the specialization area and hence, industry.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Recommended Citation
Illarramendi, Danel. “Warner Chappel Spain.” Master's Project, Berklee College of Music, 2015. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-global-entertainment-business/35

Project Ccomponents: one consulting project, one reflection paper.