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This business plan is based on a festival catered to the Queer Latinx community, specifically in Los Angeles. This festival will be following a grass roots festival model that focuses on the importance of community. The festival, Celestial Haven festival was designed to meet the demand for more queer music spaces in East Los Angeles. Celestial Haven plans to host music and non-musical activities from local artist, such as graffiti workshops, screenprinting, and a fashion show. This festival is to support local emerging queer artist within the Latinx community and create a safe space where queer folks can express themselves freely with no judgement and support from their community. Celestial Haven will be the first edition of the festival , but will then branch out to other target markets within the same region.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Recommended Citation
Plascencia, Celeste. “Celestial Haven Edition.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2024.