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INOCON stands for Innovative Nomad Music & Technology Conference. It is a free music conference focusing on innovation and its impact on the music industry. As part of the INOCONcert, Berklee students had the opportunity to showcase their talent. After four years of INOCON solely being present in the virtual world, this year for the first time INOCON is in-person. In that spirit, we aimed to create a community fueled by our passion for music that goes beyond listening to speakers on stage. We believe in the power of collaboration and interaction. That is why this year, we presented student run panels to inspire others and have the chance to share something you feel deeply excited about. In addition, based on the students’ feedback we got music professionals on board to share their stories on the following topics such as venue management, the future of labels and artists in the metaverse. My specific function for the project was the Technical Manager role. The responsibility for my position was to ensure that all of the technical needs of the conference, concerts and performance events were met in a timely and reliable manner by the technical team.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Conference, Concert, INOCON, Event, Technical
Recommended Citation
Barboza, Nicolás. “INOCON 2023.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2023.