Crowdfunding and the Music-Making Paradigm: A Case on PledgeMusic
This case is designed for an undergraduate or master’s level class in music business exploring business models, especially in the realm of blue ocean strategies in value proposition and revenues streams. It is ideal for considering ethical and transparent business practices within a notoriously unethical and veiled industry. It introduces students to business development tools such as SWOT analysis, while empowering them to understand institutional logic and its role in ethical and transparent business practices. Crowdfunding is a new tool that is disrupting the process of funding in the music industry. PledgeMusic capitalizes on this, while breaking into the third frontier of the music industry in order to increase sales power and marketing reach. This case is designed to study how PledgeMusic is participating in the paradigm shift that is occuring in the music industry, and encourage students to think critically and creatively about how to stay ahead of the curve as a leader in this quickly-changing market.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Recommended Citation
Himel, Megan. “Crowdfunding and the Music-Making Paradigm: A Case on PledgeMusic.” Master's Project, Berklee College of Music, 2015. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-global-entertainment-business/53

Project Components: one case study, one reflection paper.