"Amb l'Herència com a Essència: Legacy and Gender Justice through Globa" by Mar Fayos Oliver
Amb l'Herència com a Essència: Legacy and Gender Justice through Global Jazz and Interconnected Education

Amb l'Herència com a Essència: Legacy and Gender Justice through Global Jazz and Interconnected Education



This master's thesis explores the topics of legacy, identity, and gender justice through Global jazz musical compositions and interconnected education. After conducting scholarly research on the political, social, and cultural history of Catalonia and Spain during the 20th century and connecting it with the works and contributions of Catalan and Spanish female social activists and female composers of the period, the author presents five new musical pieces. The compositions emanate from Global jazz aesthetics blended with reminiscences of Catalan and Spanish choral music, protest song, tradition, and folklore. The resulting musical works showcase the stories of three generations of the author's female ancestors, illustrated with informative video footage. The research conducted, together with the music presented, are used as a framework to develop the curriculum of a new non-profit educational program called Global Jazz For Change. The initiative aims to work with women at risk of exclusion in Catalonia, and later internationally, to foster self-expression through the creation of new Global jazz music with identity. The program's ultimate goal is to empower the participants to create awareness and become agents of change towards gender justice in their communities.

Publication Date



Boston Campus


Project Components: research paper (.pdf), reflection paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 5 .wav files), videos (ZIP file containing 5 .mp4 files).

Amb l'Herència com a Essència: Legacy and Gender Justice through Global Jazz and Interconnected Education
