Nature’s Melody

Nature’s Melody


Suwon Yim



When I was young, I had many opportunities to visit and hike in the forest and mountains with my parents but when I got older most of the places I’ve been have disappeared and reconstructed to apartments, buildings and other form of facilities. This made me to think more about the nature and started to get interest in the environmental issues. Ever since I started music my interest always leaned towards containing messages in my compositions, so I wanted to express my thoughts through this wonderful medium. As music can be a good form of giving awareness, I want to educate how Global Warming can give a negative impact on earth to the youths. This will be accomplished by writing lyrics on composition. Since global warming is major problem around the world, I want to tell the people that every small action will be helpful to the earth. Moreover, many countries have different methods and thoughts to the global warming issue but since I am in Korea, I want to deliver my music to the youth through social media and educate with music.

Publication Date



Boston Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.mp4), audio files (ZIP file containing 6 .wav files), scores (ZIP file containing 6 .pdf documents).

Nature’s Melody
