Notes of Houston's Daughters: Narratives of BIPOC Women Artists and Their Contributions to the Houston Arts Community

Notes of Houston's Daughters: Narratives of BIPOC Women Artists and Their Contributions to the Houston Arts Community



Houston is known for hosting some of America’s most brilliant artists, but somehow BIPOC women are left out of this narrative. My goal is to put BIPOC women back into the narrative through music. This project pays homage to 3 BIPOC women artists of Houston and their influence on both me personally and their influence on Houston’s arts community. Each woman comes from a different art discipline: music, theater, and dance. The women are Helen Sung (music), Eileen J Morris (theater) and Lauren Anderson (dance). The music explores a relationship between music and the art medium that each woman is a part of. Additionally, the goal of the music is to create a relationship between the listener and the woman being honored by bringing them into the narrative of the woman the song is about. This project had several goals: first is to increase the visibility of these women in hopes of inspiring other BIPOC women artists, giving these women credit where credit has been long overdue, and last to express my gratitude to these women and how their lives and art has shaped me into the artist I am. My ultimate hope is that by honoring these women, other women feel validated in the space they deserve to take up, especially those who have felt otherwise.

Publication Date



Boston Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 4 .wav files, 1 .aiff file), scores (ZIP file containing 4 .pdf documents).

Notes of Houston's Daughters: Narratives of BIPOC Women Artists and Their Contributions to the Houston Arts Community
