The question is the answer

The question is the answer


Joshua Achiron



This project set out to find advice for young artists who were about to go into this chaotic world. I wanted to do this because I am one of these young artists about to make this step in my life and I needed guidance from the Berklee faculty. I chose the faculty members I thought would fit best for this project and then recorded interviews with them. I then used the recordings as compositional tools in order to get the words of wisdom to my peers. In conclusion I went through this year looking for answers, and although I would find them I quickly realized that with each answer came a great responsibility for a better question . As I learned about mindset, spirituality and the importance of family I found that learning about them was just half the battle. Now I am going to apply what I've learned and ultimately find better questions through life experiences I have can't wait to meet.

Publication Date



Boston Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 4 .mp4 files), scores (ZIP file containing 13 .pdf documents).

The question is the answer
