Rebirth: The Wounded Healer

Rebirth: The Wounded Healer


Yujung Jung



My project is about the therapeutic role of music in supporting suicide survivors, and it is based on my healing process after the suicide of a loved one. The purpose is, through my music and artistic collaboration, to reinforce healing by opening my story to others, to support those who are in grief by this motive, and to let them know that they are not alone. Also, through this project, I would like to break the silence about suicide and stand up to the stigma that surrounds suicide and mental illness. I composed and recorded six pieces as one suite. Each piece is related to different stages of my healing process. I have explored comprovisation. Comprovisation means composing in the moment. This has been my first experience of application of what I have learned at the Global Jazz Institute. I used also blues, tetra chords, through composing, lyrics, Illustration, improvisation, in the context of Jazz, and a poem by Walt Whitman.

Publication Date



Boston Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 6 .wav files), videos (ZIP file containing 4 .mov files), script (.pdf).

Rebirth: The Wounded Healer
