Finding my identity through Korean traditional music

Finding my identity through Korean traditional music


GaYoung Bae


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My culminating experience thesis subject is “finding my identity from Korean traditional music”. I researched about Korean traditional music and Korean Philosophy and I applied those elements into my compositions. I recorded five songs. The first 3 songs are based on Korean traditional music. Specially the third one “OHHO” is based on Korean traditional rhythm and I tried to describe diverse emotional ups and downs from our daily lives. And the rest of two songs are based on a story and poem that I wrote from my imagination. Korean music and philosophy is very related to each other. The music implies life, universe and even nature. I tried to put my life and philosophy into my composition like my ancestor did.

Publication Date



Boston Campus


Project Components: paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 5 .wav files).

Finding my identity through Korean traditional music
