Rediscovering Chilean Culture
The idea for my project started with a deep questioning of my roots as a Chilean musician. I’ve always been interested in the music and culture of my country. One of the aspects of my project was to further research the by government manipulated changes to the culture, especially the systemic oppression of the culture of African descendants. These forced changes have produced different versions of how our history was developed which sometimes clash with each other, not only in music, but also in other aspects of our culture and identity. There have even been versions of our history that deny the whole existence of both African cultural influence and the Afro- descendant community. For these reasons I decided to do a deep research about the origins of Chilean music and its history particularly about two different styles called “Cueca” and “Túmbe”. A profound understanding of these music styles was crucial to my project, not only the musical codes but also how the lyrics work and how this music relates to the dance. All these aspects were fundamental for putting together my project, in terms of the compositions and putting together the presentation where I exposed some of these historic and political issues.
Publication Date
Boston Campus
Recommended Citation
Jaramillo Zúñiga, Juan, "Rediscovering Chilean Culture" (2021). Global Jazz. 99.
Project Components: paper (.pdf), audio files (ZIP file containing 6 .wav files), scores (ZIP file containing 4 .pdf documents).