PROTEA: The Journey
The purpose of this project is to create an E.P with instrumentals that combine ethnic musical elements with modern electronic music, accompanied by a virtual reality experience. The music of this E.P is inspired by African traditional rhythms, Arabic chants, Indian and Asian traditional instruments combined with Trap, Hip-Hop, House, and Ambient music. The motivation behind this entire concept came as a result of being in a diverse environment and believing that if we can combine the different regions together, something great can come to life. After spending hours of studying ancient music, it was time to get inspiration from other sources like movies, television shows and having old fashion conversations. The visual aspect of this project initially started as a challenge but later it became a new acquired skill. During the process, multiple programs had to be learnt in order to successfully create the virtual environments. Ultimately, the plan is for music to be experienced in a new way along with new textures that might not be familiar to your everyday music lover and we hope to spark the flame of a new trailblazer.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Project Components
Project Components: one project video (.mp4), one research paper (.pdf), an EP (one ZIP file containing four .wav audio files), unity session files (one ZIP file).
Recommended Citation
Parker, Chavez C. “PROTEA: The Journey.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2018. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/107.