Numbers: A Visual EP Within the Lily Byrd Brand
This purpose of this project was to create a visual EP in the indie-folk electronic style that builds upon and enhances my artist persona and brand ‘Lily Byrd’. The project consists of five songs and five accompanying videos as well as a live performance with VJ content. Through the songs themes of loneliness and growth are explored through the lyrics while the music combines American traditional folk, electronic, singer-songwriter and alternative. Inspiration was also taken from genres such as drone and experimental music as well as unconventional songwriting form. The videos provide a simple backdrop enhancing the mood and world when listening to the album and have been adapted into clips one can VJ. The project was successful and made better through collaboration with other artists and mixing ears. I enhanced my music production, sound design, engineering, songwriting and video production skills during this project and I am very pleased with the result. I plan to release and promote this album and use it as a starting point for my career.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
EP; indie-folk; electro-folk; visual album
Project Components
Project Components: one project video (mp4), one paper (.pdf), music videos (one ZIP file containing 6 .mp4 files), EP (one ZIP file containing 1 .wav audio file, 4 .aif audio files), artwork (one ZIP file containing 4 .jpg files).
Recommended Citation
Gagnon, Liliana. “Numbers: A Visual EP Within the Lily Byrd Brand.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2018. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/123.