INWINCCIBLE 360: A music artist producer innovator personal brand experiment
The international music scene has evolved with the explosion of technology. Artists must have diverse or hybrid skills in order to create a unique personal brand identity to break into the international music scene. Also, it is important to cultivate the knowledge of new software, technology and music production skills in order to communicate on the international music arena. However, there is a lack of artist personal brand research and experiment in the music production and innovation areas. Therefore, this personal brand experiment aims to reinvent own artist personal brand “Soo Wincci” into a hybrid music artist producer innovator personal brand called “Inwinccible.” This project will first analyze the current state of art for traditional mask changing, some cultural world instruments, aerial circus art, technology arts, experimental electronic music and 360 music video. Then using technology, innovation and electronic music production skills to produce a new hybrid combination of audio and visual experiences into an innovative 360 music video project titled “Inwinccible 360”.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
360 music video; electronic music; experimental music; inwinccible; mask changing; music production; music technology
Project Components
Project Components: one project video (.mp4), one paper (.pdf), one presentation(.pdf), one song (.wav), one music video (.mp4).
Recommended Citation
Wincci, Soo. “INWINCCIBLE 360: A music artist producer innovator personal brand experiment.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2018. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/134.