Love U Be U

Love U Be U


Avril S. Pryce



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Love U Be U is a compilation of a track, lyric video, and live performance that weaves between the genres of house, disco, funk, r&b, and rap created by Avril Shawn Pryce. This project aims to examine the topic of self-love and being comfortable in your own skin. The end goal of this work is to engage the viewer and educate them about self-love and acceptance of people that are different from them. There were many challenges faced including the lack of finances, expertise, and time. Against all odds Avril was able to successfully complete Love U Be U with having acquired music production, video editing, and project management skills. Love U Be U fostered Avril’s self-innovation and is the first step in starting his career as an artist to create future innovative works.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus

Project Components

Project Components: one preojct video, one paper, one song, one lyric video, one performance video.

Love U Be U
