ConnorSchon.com: An Online Mixing Portfolio
ConnorSchon.com is a mixing and engineering website showcasing Connor Schon’s portfolio, services offered, biography, contact information, and recording journal. It was a challenge to design the website, but moreover to make sure the six new songs for the portfolio material were properly recorded and mixed with the scarce studio time and poorly designed recording spaces at Berklee Valencia. The website will continue to be revised and updated with Connor’s newest material and used as the launching point for his freelance career.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
creative project; recording; business; portfolio
Project Components
Project Components: one reflection paper, portfolio (one ZIP file containing 6 .mp3 files).
Recommended Citation
Schon, Connor. “ConnorSchon.com: An Online Mixing Portfolio.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2019. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/150.