EMERGING: Discovering My Style as a Multimedia Artist and Collaborator
Emerging is a multimedia performance that involves the improvisation and communication between the movement of dancers and visual synthesis, ambient, electronic West-African and Afro-Cuban music and live percussion triggered and manipulated by a live musician. Emerging is the result of Joyce Lindsey’s exploration in finding her style as a multimedia artist and collaborator. She aims to provide experiences where she can combine her skills as a sound designer, composer, percussionist and visual artist, in service to collaborating with choreographers and filmmakers to actualize the vision and/or theme they seek to express in their work.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
West African; Afro Cuban; Mediterranean; Modern Dance; Max MSP; Ableton live set; djembe; doumbek
Project Components
Project Components: one project video, one paper, one presentation, one audio track, maxpatch files (one ZIP file containing 1 .maxpat file, 1 .maxproj document, 1 .json file), ableton live project (ZIP file).
Recommended Citation
Lindsey, Joyce. “EMERGING: Discovering My Style as a Multimedia Artist and Collaborator.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2019. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/164.