Veo Valencia: An Experimental Approach to Capturing Sights and Sounds for Music Videos
This culminating experience project is an experimental approach to producing two music videos, each of a different style, that contain elements of field recordings, sound design, and original music with scenes from the city of Valencia, Spain that create interesting and compelling results. Both are titled Veo Valencia, and have Part I or Part II added to their title, respectively. Part I is a colorful and abstract look of Valencia that contains an original musical track produced in Ableton Live, titled, Mister Synther. With a visible difference in color, effects, and music, Part II is a more natural and clear way of viewing the city. It contains an original piano and strings music piece titled Endless Journey. The music videos do not contain professional actors or dancers, dialogue, or narration. Upon viewing them, the viewer will be brought into an artistic and creative world of hearing and seeing Valencia in an exciting and innovative way.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Project Components
Project Components: one reflection paper, project videos (one ZIP file containing two .mp4 files).
Recommended Citation
Zamora, Juan G. “Veo Valencia: An Experimental Approach to Capturing Sights and Sounds for Music Videos.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2019. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/165.