EXLO: Play Your Surroundings
EXLO is a hardware/software-based system that can turn any surface into a musical instrument or controller. EXLO technology gives life to inanimate objects by enabling them to be used to create music. Producers and performers will no longer be confined by the layouts of traditional controllers; they will instead be able to incorporate their ideal workflow into their existing workspace. The EXLO system is driven by a piezo sensor, or contact microphone, which translates physical vibrations into an electrical current. EXLO’s custom software runs in the visual programming environment Max. The software analyzes vibration data from the EXLO sensor and uses the data to manipulate an organic sound as well as trigger synthesized sounds when familiar gestures are detected. The synthesized sound source can be any Digital Audio Workspace (DAW) that accepts messages of the Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) protocol.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
music technology; human computer interaction; music production; music performance; electronic music
Project Components
Project Components: one project video, one paper, one presentation, code (one ZIP file containing 7 .js files, 2 .txt files, 2 .otf files, 1 rtf document, 58 .maxpat files, 1 .c doucment, 1 .maxhelp document, 1 .mxo file, 1 .mxe64 document, 1 .mxe document), one performance video, one commercial video, one megamix video.
Recommended Citation
Gaudet, Meghan. “EXLO: Play Your Surroundings.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2019. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/175.