Horizon: An Adaptive Unity Game

Horizon: An Adaptive Unity Game


Dylan Scott



This project aims to develop an interactive video game, drawing primarily on sound and music to guide the player through. Inspired by the 2012 indie adventure game Journey, the music of Horizon will be an integral part based on the players’ movement and actions. As they walk through, they’ll be given the task to solve a puzzle by following the music cues (similar to the ‘hot and cold game’). The game will be developed in Unity, using audio source components and scripts done in the programming language C#. Arguments in C# will be determined by the players' proximity to specific totems/items. The goal is to make a simple game more adaptive and unique to players, inspiring more creative game mechanics to be added in future releases and beyond (Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Immersive (360) Video, etc).

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus

Project Components

Project Components: reflection paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), prototype presentations (ZIP file containing 3 .pdf documents), application (ZIP file containing Horizon app), project files (ZIP file).

Horizon: An Adaptive Unity Game
