Remote Engineering: Chronicles of the Adaptable Audio Engineer during COVID-19
This Culminating Experience project will be based on an inclusive portfolio aimed to explore the world of remote engineering, with a specific focus on everything entailed in adapting and offering high quality services to clients remotely. The project has been developed over the course of three months and inspired by the new worldwide pandemic induced lockdown, and it focuses on the creation of various types of services, all offered fully remotely. These services include: educational content, remotely controlled recording sessions, remote attendance mastering sessions, consulting and practical application in optimizing virtual concerts, and live streams for social media platforms. The deliverables will include a variety of video and audio content to demonstrate parts of the services of the adaptable audio engineer during the times of a worldwide pandemic.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Project Components
Project Components: project video (.mov), report (.pdf), audio tracks (ZIP file containing 9 .wav audio files).
Recommended Citation
Schipani, Giorgio. “Remote Engineering: Chronicles of the Adaptable Audio Engineer during COVID-19.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2020. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/200.