Cosmic Consciousness – The Journey through Body, Mind, & Spirit

Cosmic Consciousness – The Journey through Body, Mind, & Spirit


Keana Peery



Cosmic Consciousness is an audio-visual performance exploring the philosophical subject of mortality and whether our consciousness survives bodily death. The artist’s interpretation of this paradigm is on its way to the unfolding of the spirit and the self- revelation of divinity in all things. The intention of this project is to provide the audience with a multisensory experience that will resonate on a more expansive level. The performance consists of 3 songs with the inclusion of granular vocal processing as the protagonist giving depth to the abstract visual narrative. Cosmic Consciousness combines ethereal soundscapes through pads and synthesizers combined with electronic and polyrhythmic percussion. The artist hopes her work will inspire and motivate others to actuate their freedom of expression. One of the biggest challenges during this process was pushing limited knowledge on video editing and animation with a short timeline and budget constraints while still representing each visual aspect accurately.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


audio-visual; interactive art; abstract; vocal processing; philosophical project

Project Components

Project Components: reflection paper (.pdf), project videos (ZIP file containing 3 .mp4 files).

Cosmic Consciousness – The Journey through Body, Mind, & Spirit
