Enhancing the Educational Experience of Women in Music Technology Programs at the University Level: The Benefits of Studying in an All-Female Peer Environment

Enhancing the Educational Experience of Women in Music Technology Programs at the University Level: The Benefits of Studying in an All-Female Peer Environment


Liz Teutsch



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Women are an overwhelming minority in music technology university programs throughout the globe and are subject to various forms of gender discrimination and harassment both inside and outside of the classroom. Improving the educational experience of these women is paramount, and distinct strategies can be employed to do so. One strategy is to provide these women with the opportunity to study in all-female learning environments. This study surveyed participants in an extracurricular music technology training program designed for female- identifying university students, and it found clear benefits to this learning environment including increased confidence and accelerated learning. Establishing and supporting this type of programming at the university level will improve educational outcomes for these women and better prepare them for successful careers in music technology.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus

Project Components

Project Components: project video (.mp4), paper (.pdf).

Enhancing the Educational Experience of Women in Music Technology Programs at the University Level: The Benefits of Studying in an All-Female Peer Environment
