Tales of the Lost Worlds: An Immersive Audio Approach to Storytelling

Tales of the Lost Worlds: An Immersive Audio Approach to Storytelling


Mirte de Vrieze



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The purpose of ‘Tales of the Lost Worlds: An Immersive Audio Approach to Storytelling’ is to compile an online immersive audio portfolio of three short stories made for YouTube and Facebook. The material is a mixture of pre-existing and new audio and visuals, each focused on an original story. The motivation behind this research is to consolidate a storytelling approach utilizing immersive audio to enrich the experience of a surrealistic world. A variety of techniques and plugins have been researched in order to mix ambisonics. The result is a diverse and coherent portfolio that displays competence in immersive mixing and a future of captivating storytelling.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


creative project; portfolio; immersive audio; binaural; storytelling

Project Components

Project Components: project video (.mp4), reflection paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), video guidelines (.pdf), rectangular videos (ZIP file containing 3 .mp4 videos), 360 vidoes (ZIP file containing 3 .mp4 videos).

Tales of the Lost Worlds: An Immersive Audio Approach to Storytelling
