Chakram & Runthika Creative Collective: Bridging Cinema and Alternative Pop Audiences

Chakram & Runthika Creative Collective: Bridging Cinema and Alternative Pop Audiences


Viraj R. Gandhi



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This project aimed to diversify the stylistic output of the artistic moniker Chakram under his burgeoning umbrella production company Runthika Creative Collective. Previously, this moniker focused on composing abstract and experimental music for the films also released under this moniker. Moving forward, this portfolio will grow to incorporate produced music from a lyrically driven EP to expand the range of audiences this moniker’s work appeals to, examples from the upcoming film, In Search of Sumitra, entitled ‘Mirror Image Neurons’ and ‘Elevator to the Dream Plane,’ a vocal single ‘Turtles,’ as well as a commissioned production ‘Evolution’ for Emily Shek, MPTI 2020. While this portfolio will retain the textural emphasis associated with previous work, its focus is to bridge the worlds of experimentalism and pop and join these often disparately categorized genres and divided audiences. Furthermore, at the crossroads of this unification, there will be a liminal space for cinephile audiences to explore the fringes of pop, while simultaneously introducing casual music listeners to accessible, yet uncanny reimaginations of lyrically driven content. Innovation occurs at the interdisciplinary confluence of two seemingly unrelated concepts, marrying pop with experimentalism is essential for the growth of both genres. This juxtaposition softens formulaic songwriting structures while utilizing the framework of established structures to allow for the diaspora of alternative music to new audiences. Ultimately, this portfolio contains a range of pieces that expand this producer’s musical skills and repertoire to unexplored territories with the challenge to package challenging and fringe artistic visions within an invitation to potential new audiences.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Alternative Pop; Experimental Music; Lyrical Music; Fusion Music

Project Components

Project Components: project video (.mp4), reflection paper (.pdf), megamix (.wav), animated logo (.mp4).

Chakram & Runthika Creative Collective: Bridging Cinema and Alternative Pop Audiences
