Surrealism as a Method of Music Production
This thesis examines the surrealistic art movement approach trough music as a way of creating and producing new sonic pieces.The academic research aims to define an in-deep study of surrealism as a creative conceptual and practical tool for music production in order to create a three songs E.P. that represents the times we are living in. It all starts with the historic analysis of music production and how it was affected by the technological development. Moreover after defining the different production eras it was possible to notice the characteristic of surrealistic compositions.The surrealistic movement analysis gives the inspirational paradigm to dig deep into the techniques used as tools to generate the final piece. All the musical influences involved in this research were studied from the music production perspective in order to highlight the creative and compositional cores implemented to generate the musical pieces identified as references. Once the fundamental aspects were outlined, it was crucial to design the final workflow scheme in order to proceed with the creation of the songs. After this phase, the document unfolds the entire process by providing the creative limitation list of instruments, allowed techniques that the team could use to produce the E.P., Studio Session list and the entire sonic technique transposition method.The artistic direction was defined by a central concept: remove conscious decisions from art. Indeed dreaming experiences seemed to be the perfect tool to drive the storytelling of the songs.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Project Components
Project Components: project video (.mov), reflection paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), studio recordings (ZIP file containing 3 .wav files), demo video (.mp4), artwork (ZIP file containing 4 .png files, 1 .jpg file).
Recommended Citation
Mariatti, Andrea. “Surrealism as a Method of Music Production.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2022.