Dreams, Death, & Love
The culminating experience of the author consisted of an audio visual concept EP album inspired by both, Pink Floyd’s “Dark Side of The Moon” and Tame Impala’s “Currents”. The main focus of the EP surrounded a couple of deep topics in life like dreams, death, and love. Each individual topic was carried out by one song in the EP and they were all tied together by a single idea which was simply “moments in time”. The deliverables included two music videos and 4 different songs. All songs were produced fully in the box with virtual instruments and virtual analog gear modulations, except for the vocals. Songs were written, arranged, produced, mixed, and mastered by the author. Videos were recorded and edited by the author as well. This process taught the author a lot about songwriting, production, and mixing, he also learned about the process of creating music videos. He created this EP audio visual album to release it into the musical markets in the future and to use it as a showcase for future job opportunities.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Project Components
Project Components: project video (.mov), reflection paper (.pdf), presentation (.pptx), EP (ZIP file containing 4 .wav files), music videos (ZIP file containing 2 .mov files).
Recommended Citation
Barraza, Diego. “Dreams, Death, & Love.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2022. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/246.