"Liminal Space" by Ferdinando Fugazza Calda
Liminal Space

Liminal Space



This work intends to be a combination of two different pieces of work, one being an EP recorded by the author, and the other one being a set of visuals controlled by the activity of the brain, streaming the data from an electroencephalusgram (EEG) into MaxMSP. The idea at the foundation of this project is that every experience we go through is essentially a mediation of some form, and that complete objectivity is arguably impossible in any aspect of the human experience. The music is also inspired by the impressionist art movement, which conceptually originates from the same core idea, and the visuals try to match the stylistic features of the movement. Ultimately, the aim of the work is to fuse together the listener and the work of art, making the viewer a part of the work.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus

Project Components

Project Components: project video (.mp4), reflection paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), EP (ZIP file containing 6 .wav files), videos (ZIP file containing 3 .mov files).

Liminal Space
