The inspiration of this culminating experience project was derived from a lineage of long- standing and modern musical styles to create an album that syndicates the former stylistic elements to offer a pristine final product. The record was created with the use of hardware synthesizers, software synthesizers, samplers, digital audio workstations, drum machines, MIDI controllers and organic instruments. The use of these resources in a congruent manner allowed the project to be borrowing from distinct musical styles in order to construct an innovative project. The album combined an extraction of classic and modern styles of electronic music such as subgenres of house and techno; combined with touches and influences from more traditional genres such as funk and jazz. Building the basis of the album electronically, and drawing inspirations, motives and ideas from traditional genres were the essential contributing factors on developing a vigorous work of art that is true to the past and paves way for the evolution of electronic music.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Project Components
Project Components: project video (.mp4), paper (.pdf), presentation (.pdf), album (ZIP file containing 11 .wav files).
Recommended Citation
Cicek, Ozan. “Voyager.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2022. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/267.