Rebecca Pek Ga Chan

Rebecca Pek Ga Chan



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The Culminating Experience Project is three out of the five movements. Apart from playing music with body movement, it is also a hybrid of everything I have learned in the Music Technology Innovation Program, including Composition, Programming, Sound Design, Controller building, Live Performance, Real time Arts and Logo Design. I use Max/ MSP/ Jitter to generate real time visuals and control information from motion sensor and send information to Ableton and Arduino. Ableton Live is mainly used to build back up tracks, triggering clips, loops and sound samples, manipulate sound in real time and send transport information to Max using Rewire mode. I also designed sound using Massive, Z3ta+2 and Stutter Edit, built LED Table by Arduino, and used Leap Motion, Hot hand and Orbit as performance tools.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus

Project Components

Project Components: one project video file, three musical works (ZIP file containing three ZIP files, one for each work), one paper, one presentation.


Project Components: one project video file, three musical works (ZIP file containing three ZIP files, one for each work), one paper, one presentation.

Rebecca Pek Ga Chan
