Musical Recycling and Revenue Streams for Producers

Musical Recycling and Revenue Streams for Producers


Philippe Dionne



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The purpose of this project is to establish a sample label called “Duson Audio” that will produce, curate, and distribute audio sample, MIDI, and VST preset packs online. Sample packs have grown in popularity recently, enabling producers to monetize their creativity. Indeed, since 2013, Splice has paid out over $15 million to artists, most of them being unknown producers and sound designers. One self-produced sample pack was curated and released, along with four collaborative projects, as well as two other community building initiatives that result in more content. The packs feature curated and categorized audio samples, MIDI files, and VST presets of a very specific subgenre – benefitting from the musical diversity of Berklee students, enabling them to generate revenue off their musical ideas. Duson proposes a cost-effective way for producers and sound engineer to recycle their unused ideas, musical theory knowledge, and sound design skills into income.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Sample pack; MIDI; VST; loops; oneshots; producer; sound designer

Project Components

Project Components: project video (.mp4), paper (.pdf), sample pack (ZIP file containing 325 .wav audio files, 61 .fxp files, 25 .vital files, 11 .nfm8 files, 16 .glp files)

Musical Recycling and Revenue Streams for Producers
