
Aislinn Dicks


Download Project Video (899.3 MB)

Download Presentation (108.9 MB)

Download Music Tracks (ZIP file) (186.9 MB)

Download Sound Designs (ZIP file) (67.6 MB)

Download Music Video (607.3 MB)


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For my Culminating Experience, I would like to invent myself as an artist. At the moment I have absolutely no online presence related to my musical identity. This places me in a unique position to control my first impression to the world as AISEO. I will make and release my first album of original music. I intend to record, produce, mix, and master the entire album myself. I will create at least three professional music videos to show that I am skilled in a variety of technological areas. This will serve me well for potential employment opportunities. I will start my own website where I will post any information relevant to my artist persona, as well as a Soundcloud page, YouTube Account, Facebook page, Twitter account, and Instagram account as AISEO. My long-term goal is to become an electronic music producer, and be able to make music and perform for a living. This project would benefit me moving forward because of the importance of making my music available to the world and having a strong online persona.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus

Project Components

Project Components: one project video, one presentation, music tracks (one ZIP file containing five .wav files), sound designs (one ZIP file containing two .mp4 files), one music video.


Project Components: one project video, one presentation, music tracks (one ZIP file containing five .wav files), sound designs (one ZIP file containing two .mp4 files), one music video.

