"Mixing Mastery - A Journey in Search of The Truth" by Hong Gu Kwon


Hong Gu Kwon


Download Available for download on Wednesday, July 01, 2026

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In the rapidly changing music industry, the importance of the mixing engineer is significant, mixing is known to be a crucial part in the stage of music production. As such, the basic concept of this project is to focus on the author’s mixing portfolio as a medium that explores the special role of the profession and how the different skills are important in building a unique sound as a mixer. The portfolio includes 12 songs in different genres including, Hip Hop/ Indie Soul, Funk/Fusion, Live Piano, Jazz and Experimental Jazz, highlighting the consistency of the work quality while showcasing the author’s unique mixing style. By the process of making the author’s mixing portfolio, this project reveals the change in the authors endeavor and focuses on the importance not only the technical aspects but also personal growth. In conclusion, this project highlights the importance of developing the fundamental technical skills while the true innovation in becoming a successful mixing engineer comes from confidence and self-belief.

Publication Date



Valencia (Spain) Campus


Mixing Engineer, Sound, Album Release, Audio Production, Personal Growth

Mixing Mastery - A Journey in Search of The Truth
