Branding Project
Developing ways to present myself has always been a difficult task. Although my skillset is broad and tool kit is sharp, I’m often told that it’s difficult to pin down exactly what I do. It was the goal of my CE to figure out how to talk about who I am as an artist. I spent the first half of the year researching “personal branding” and experiment by writing different biographies about myself. I noticed that there were two very distinct styles, one extremely dry and professional, the other more experimental and abstract. I developed these two identities into the AH! brand to represent the mad scientist, and Odd Object Studios to represent my more professional work. In addition I decided to release music under a new musical moniker “Oddman.” For each of these projects I developed a visual style that will be used in my websites, business cards, and letterhead.
Publication Date
Valencia (Spain) Campus
Project Components
Project Components: one project video, one report, business spreadsheets (one ZIP file containing three Numbers Spreadsheet files), style sheets (one ZIP file containing three PDF documents), music tracks (one ZIP file containing four AIFF files), LED documentation (one ZIP file containing one MPEG-4 movie file and one JPEG image file).
Recommended Citation
Hlynsky, Andrew. “Branding Project.” Master's thesis, Berklee College of Music, 2016. https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/38.

Project Components: one project video, one report, business spreadsheets (one ZIP file containing three Numbers Spreadsheet files), style sheets (one ZIP file containing three PDF documents), music tracks (one ZIP file containing four AIFF files), LED documentation (one ZIP file containing one MPEG-4 movie file and one JPEG image file).